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北师大版七年级下Unit 1-2基础知识期末复习题

时间:2024-08-13 04:05:04
北师大版七年级下Unit 1-2基础知识期末复习题[此文共251字]



1. Sandy likes traveling. She_________stays at home during holidays.

A seldom B usuallyC alwaysD often

2. He said he would come to see us _________the next afternoon.

A sometimeB some timeC sometimesD some times

3. —___________do you go to the cinema?

— Once a month.

A How longB How farC How oftenD How much

4. My sister _______ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day.

A alwaysB sometimesC hardlyD never

5. —What do you often do at weekends?

—I often ________my grandparents.

A visitB visitsC have visitedD will visit

6. My brother always makes his bed first after he _________ every day.

A get upB gets upC go to bedD goes to bed

7. This story is _______, sothe students like it very much.

A interestingB shortC longD boring

8. These apples taste good. I want to buy _______for my sister.

A theyB itC someD any

9. It’s a (an) _________ job for Helen because she has much work from Monday to Friday.

A importantB difficultC dangerousD free

10. —_________does John usually __________on Friday evening?

—He usually plays games with his friends.

A What,doesB How, doC What,doD How, does

11.----What doesTomoften do on weekends?

----Heoften _________ his grandparents.

A. visit B. visitedC.visits D. will visit

12. ----Who is that lovely girl?

-----You ________ the girl with long hair? That’s Kate.

A. want B. meanC. knowD.tell

13. Every evening I usually take a __________ before I go to bed.

A. photo B. busC. restD. shower

14. ----_________ do you go to the cinema?

-----once a month.

A. How longB. How often C. How farD. How much

15. __________ more fruit and vegetables is good ___________ our health.

A. Eating;to B. Eats;forC. Eating;forD. Eat for

16. I think playing _________ basketball is a good way to learn the spirit of teamwork.

A. a B. an C. theD. /

17. Shanghai Disneyland opened ____________June 16th, 2016.

A. onB. in C. at D. of

18. It takes me two days to finish ____________ the novel written by him.

A. to reading B. readingC. to readD. reads

19. I like pandas very much, ___________ I think they are cute and smart.

A. becauseB. but C. soD. or

20. When I ask him for help, he always tries his best __________ me.

A. helpB. helping C. to helpD. helps

21. There is still ______ oil in the bottle.

A. many B. much C.afewD. little

22. —_____ are the bananas?

—About two kilograms.

A. How muchB. How manyC. How heavyD. How long

23. —Let’s make orange and strawberry juice.


A. Good idea B. Never mind C. Not at all D. Thank you

24. —How many _____ are there on the table?

—Two. I’m a little thirsty. Let’s cut one and eat it.

A. onionsB. ducksC. watermelons D. beef

25. —What’s your___?

—Apartment 102,Entrance 2,Building 3,Chaowai Street.

A. name B.address C.number D.work

26. Is the man _______ tea or milk?

A. drinksB. drink C. drinking D. is drinking

27. Mum, someone ______. Please pick up the phone.

A. has calledB. is callingC. will call D. was calling

28. They are talking about _________.

A. my and you B. you and herC. she and youD. I and she

29. ---Could you tell me how to get to the bank, please?

--- ___________________.

A. No, I couldn’t.B. Don’t ask me.

C. Thank you all the same.D. Certainly. You can take the No.1 Bus.

30. ---is there a museum _______ the left of Green Road?

--- Yes, there is.

A. on B. inC. at D. for

31. Many students write to Language Doctor to ______ advice about learning English.

A. look through B. ask forC. give upD. worry about

32. ---Mum, I’m hungry. Is there ________ to eat?

---Yes, you can have some bread on the table.

A. anythingB. somethingC. nothing D. none

33. --- Where is Tony?

--- On the playground. He ______ basketball with his friends.

A. plays B. played C. will playD. is playing

34. Lily likes playing _____ guitar. Tom likes playing _____ football.

A. the; aB. a; the C. /; the D. the; /

35. Look! Mr. Smith ______ your father.

A. talks toB. talking with C. is talking withD. talks with

36. The Greens ________ supper now.

A. is having B. are havingC. have D. has

37. Mr. Li _______ for Tianjin tomorrow morning.

A. leave B. leavesC. is leaving D. leaving

38. Hurry up! The bus ________.

A. is comingB. come C. coming D. are coming

39. Linda with her mother _________ some shopping now.

A. do B. is doingC. are doingD. does

40. ---Are you writing a letter?

---_________. I’m checking email.

A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I am.C. No, I don’t. D. No, I’m not.

41. ---Tom, open the door, please.

---OK. I _____________.

A. come B. comesC. coming D. am coming

42. Chris is talking ________ Wu Qi _______ the picture.

A. about; toB. to; with C. about; with D. to; about

43. People are getting ready _______ the New Year.

A. for B. to C. with D. on

44. The bank is _______ the bookstore and the post office.

A. at the front of B. amongC. betweenD. in

45. --- Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the People’s Hospital?

--- Walk along this street __ the end and you’ll find it on your left.

A. inB. to C. by D. at

46. --- Oh, dear, your room is untidy.

--- Sorry, mum. I’ll _________.

A. put it up B. put up it C. clean up itD. clean it up

47. Go down Park Street and the bank is ______ your left.

A. on B. inC. atD. of

48. --- Who is Nancy _________?---Her mother.

A. waiting B. waiting forC. wait forD. is waiting

49. On the way ______ the mountain village, we found the local houses different from ours.

A. to B. byC. atD. on

50. There _______ some rice and some apples on the table.

A. areB. amC. is D. aren’t


1. 有时,我们在家看电视。

___________, we __________ _________ at home.


Let’s ______ _______.

3. 别为露西担心。她能照顾好自己。

Don’t ______ _______Lucy. She can look after herself well.

4. 我的小妹妹从不帮我铺床。

My little sister never helps me _________________________.

5. 我们必须尽力保护每个人的安全。

We must ______ ______ ______ to ______ everyone safe.

6. 现在是5:45。有人在敲门。

It’s 5:45. Someone _____ ______ on the door.

7. 她经常帮着他妈妈做饭。

She often _______ _______ _______ _______.

8. 韩梅正在等他的父母。

Han Mei is _______ _______her parents.

9. 沿着这条街走,然后右拐。

_______ _______ the street and then _______ _______.

10. 她一点也不喜欢数学,因为他认为数学很难。

She ________________ maths __________ because she _________________ _.

11. 妈妈说我每天必需要打扫房间。

My mother _________________________________ every day.

12. 我们要尽最大的努力使父母每天都开心。

We must ____________________________________________ every day.

13. 在暴风雨期间我们要远离窗户和电视。

We must ____________________the windows and the TV during storms.

14. 老师说的有道理吗?

_______ the teacher ________________________________?

15. 妈妈说玩火是很危险的。

My mother says ____________________________________________.

16. 打扰了。 你能告诉我去银行的路吗?

Excuse me. _______________________________________________?

17. 在新街上有一家医院。

________________________________________ on New Street.

18. 沿着花街走, 我家在右边。

__________________ Flower Street and __________________________.

19. 你能帮我洗盘子吗?

Could you _____________________________?

20. 我喜欢和我最好的朋友一起学习。

I like to ____________________________________

《北师大版七年级下Unit 1-2基础知识期末复习题[此文共251字].doc》


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